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marți, 23 februarie 2010



clasa a-IX-a G

traduse de doamna diriginta: Gavan Ina

Craciunica inflorita


Atinge pendulul

Stoica George

Poinsettia in blossom

The dog

Is playing with the pendulum.


Ziua indragostitilor

Totul trece

La geam orhidee

Dragomir Cosmin

Valentine’s Day

Everything comes and goes

Orchids at the window


Sfarsit de iarna

Trecatori grabiti

Eu astept primavera

Nitu Iulian

Winter end

Passers-by in a hurry

I am waiting for the spring.


Cocos rosu pe gard

Prin noroi

Narcise inflorite

Perjan Gabriel

Red rooster on the fence

Into mud

Daffodils in blossom.


Sfarsit de februarie

Muguri abia vazuti

Miei prin ghiocei

Gusa Ionut

February end

Buds barely seen

Lambs among snowdrops.


Basma rosie

Fata mangaie mielul

Cat vezi cu ochii iarba.

Burcin Ion

Red headkerchief

The girl strokes the lamb

Grass as far as you can see.

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